E. Dehillerin
Founded in 1820- and 202-years young, E. Dehillerin is ground zero for high-end culinary equipment, from dishes and serving utensils to cookware, knives and specialty tools, and draws in customers—both pros and amateur cooks—from all over the world, including current culinary superstars Robuchon, Paul Bocuse and Michel Troisgros, as well as the legendary Julia Child, who was a regular E. Dehillerin shopper for more than 50 years. The personal touch is key and technology is not needed to connect with consumers.
There are more than 100 professional-grade copper items to choose from—stew pans, saucepans, sauté pans, frying pans, soup pots, braising trays, stock pots, roasting pans, fish kettles and more. And the copper items are available in several varieties, including Cuprinox extra-thick copper, Inox induction, copper lined with tin (the most popular category) and standard Cuprinox. There are also copper pastry bowls and pans, and copper tableware (like champagne buckets and fondue pots.